What is 27 factorial ?

Steps to calculate factorial of 27

To find 27 factorial, or 27!, simply use the formula that multiplies the number 27 by all positive whole numbers less than it.

Let’s look at how to calculate the Factorial of 27:

27! is exactly :
Factorial of 27 can be calculated as:
27! = 27 x 26 x 25 x 24 x 23 x 22 x 21 x 20 x 19 x 18 x 17 x 16 x 15 x 14 x 13 x 12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

Factorials of Numbers similar to 27

What is Factorial?

In mathematics, the concept of a factorial is denoted as n! and represents the product of all positive integers from 1 to n. It has significant applications in areas such as combinatorics, probability, and algebra. When we focus on the factorial of 27, it symbolizes the immense possibility of arrangements and combinations that can arise from a set of 27 unique items. Understanding the factorial of 27, or any number, is crucial to solve complex problems in various fields of mathematics and science.

Formula to Calculate the Factorial of 27

The process for calculating the factorial of any number, including 27, starts with the essential formula: n! = n × (n-1) × … × 1. For the number 27, you would multiply 27 by every positive whole number less than itself down to 1. While the actual product for 27 factorial is an extraordinarily large number, understanding the basic mechanics is straightforward. Apply the formula step-by-step, beginning with 27 and sequentially decrementing the multiplier by 1 until you reach 1.

What is the Factorial of 27 Used For?

The factorial of 27 plays a significant role in various mathematical domains. In combinatorics, it’s used to determine the number of possible permutations of 27 distinct elements. In probability theory, the factorial of 27 assists in illustrating outcomes with 27 different events or options. Outside of mathematics, factorials can be found in algorithm designs, particularly in sorting algorithms, and in computing the complexity of different processes.


  • Calculate the last two digits of 27 factorial.
  • If you have 27 books, in how many ways can you arrange them on a shelf?
  • Compare the factorial of 27 with that of 26. How does the value change?

Solutions to Exercises


  1. The last two digits of 27 factorial are “00” because any factorial greater than 9 will end in at least one zero.
  2. You can arrange 27 books in 27! (27 factorial) different ways.
  3. The factorial of 27 is 27 times larger than the factorial of 26 because 27! is calculated as 27 × 26!.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can the factorial of 27 be calculated manually?

While it is theoretically possible, the factorial of 27 is an extremely large number, and calculating it manually would be impractical and time-consuming.

Q2: Why do factorials often end in zeros?

Factorials end in zeros because they include the product of 10 (which is 2 × 5) multiple times within the multiplication sequence.

Q3: Is there a limit to the size of a factorial?

In mathematics, there’s no limit to the size of a factorial. However, in practice, the computation of very large factorials is constrained by the limitations of computing resources.

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