What is 80 factorial ?

Steps to calculate factorial of 80

To find 80 factorial, or 80!, simply use the formula that multiplies the number 80 by all positive whole numbers less than it.

Let’s look at how to calculate the Factorial of 80:

80! is exactly :
7.15 x 10^118
Factorial of 80 can be calculated as:
80! = 80 x 79 x 78 x 77 x … x 3 x 2 x 1

Factorials of Numbers similar to 80

What is Factorial?

The concept of a factorial in mathematics refers to the product of an integer and all the integers below it, down to one. This is denoted as ‘n!’. The factorial function plays a significant role in various mathematical disciplines and is especially important when it comes to combinatorial problems, such as counting permutations and combinations. In the case of 80 factorial, denoted as 80!, it represents the product of all whole numbers from 80 to 1. Understanding the factorial of 80 is significant as it showcases the vast possibilities that can arise even from a single set of 80 elements.

Formula to Calculate the Factorial of a Number

The basic formula for calculating the factorial of a number ‘n’ is as follows:

n! = n × (n-1) × … × 1

Applying this formula step by step to the number 80 would entail multiplying 80 by every number less than it until you reach 1. However, due to its immense size when carried out, the calculation of 80 factorial is usually performed using computational software as manually calculating it would be impractical.

What is the Factorial of 80 Used For?

The factorial of a number, such as 80 factorial (80!), has several applications. In combinatorics, it can help to determine the number of ways to arrange or select items. In probability theory, factorials are used to calculate permutations and combinations, which are essential to calculate the odds of specific events occurring. The factorial of 80 is used in fields where a large number of permutations are essential, like in complex optimization problems or when dealing with vast datasets in computer science and data analysis.


Consider the following exercises to further your understanding of the factorial function:

  • Estimate the number of zeros at the end of 80 factorial.
  • If a group contains 80 different books, in how many ways can you arrange 5 books on a shelf?
  • Using the factorial function, calculate the number of ways to form a committee of 10 people from a group of 80 people.

Solutions to Exercises

Here are the solutions to the exercises presented:

  • The number of zeros at the end of 80 factorial is determined by the number of factors of 10 in its prime factorization, which would involve calculating factors of 5 and 2.
  • Arranging 5 books out of 80 can be done in 80P5 ways, which equals 80!/75!. This is because from 80 choices for the first place, we have 79 for the second, and so on, until the fifth position.
  • The number of ways to form a committee of 10 people from a group of 80 is given by 80C10. This is calculated as 80!/(70!10!).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the exact value of 80 factorial?

A: The exact value of 80 factorial (80!) is a number so large it is typically expressed in scientific notation and calculated using computers. As of the knowledge cutoff in 2023, the value of 80! is approximately 7.15 × 10^118.

Q: Can the factorial function be applied to non-integer or negative numbers?

A: The factorial function is generally defined for non-negative integers. However, a generalization of factorial to non-integer and negative numbers is possible through the Gamma function, which extends the factorial concept beyond integers.

Q: Is it possible to manually calculate the factorial of 80?

A: Theoretically, you could manually calculate the factorial of 80, but it would not be practical due to the sheer size of the result. It is often computed using specialized software.

Other conversions of the number 80